Buying gifts for kids can be a tricky business, especially if you don’t have kids of the same age as the gift recipient. To make things a little simpler for you, I’ve rounded up my top picks for gifts to give to toddlers and little kids ages 2 to 5.
Some of these items we already own and I know for an absolute fact that it is toddler approved. Other items, are what I am planning on getting my toddler this year based on constantly questioning other parents for their recs.
- AMAZON FIRE KIDS EDITION TABLET :: Just as much a gift for the parents as for the toddler, this device is a total life-saver for long car trips and iffy-restaurant outings. I could really go on and on about this little gem, so I’ve decided to do a seperate review post on it (read it here). For now, just know that the Fire Kids Edition Tablet has a two year no-questions-asked warranty (which we can personally confirm) and is loaded with games and activities for kids of all ages.
- PLAY KITCHEN :: Play kitchens are universally beloved by little ones who really like to imitate what they see their parents doing in the kitchen. Every parent who has one has confirmed that their child uses theirs all the time. I’ve listed this adorable IKEA DUKTIG version for its quality and simplicity, but don’t let its plain looks fool you. Take a look at all of these amazing hacks that really personalize the kitchen.
- SHOPPING CART :: Believe it or not, these pint-sized shopping carts are incredibly fun for little ones, who love to put all of their important things in the basket and run around like crazy.
- TEEPEE :: I’m pretty sure this trend isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Children’s teepees provide a cozy hide-out for little kids to do their important little kid things. This particular model rings in at around $50, which is less than half of what I saw them for in the past.
- SEASON PASSES :: If the child you are buying a gift for lives near a zoo, science center, or children’s museum of some sort, why not get them a season pass? This is especially great for parents who don’t have a lot of extra space for toys in their homes.
- PLAY CUTTING FRUIT :: While regular play food is a popular choice, this fruit takes it a step further by making it cut-able play food. Self-stick tabs hold the fruit pieces together until cut apart and a wooden play knife helps little kids mimic the cutting action they see their parents doing.
- PLAY FOOD :: This set of hand painted wooden play food from Melissa and Doug contains foods from the main food groups. I mean, is there anything cuter than kids pretending to take a bite out of play food??
- POTS AND PANS :: These mini pots and pans are the perfect accessory for that awesome play kitchen, although I’m sure the kitchen is not required for kiddos to go to town with these.
- ART SUPPLIES :: This art kit from Crayola has everything kids need for an afternoon of scribbling their little hearts out.
- WORK BENCH :: Like the kitchen, this work bench is perfect for little busy-bodies who love to imitate their parents. The table makes a great work surface for all sorts of activities at their level.
- PUSH CART :: My son uses this cart daily to push around his prized collection of mini monster trucks. He likes to chase people around with it too (ha!).
- STICKERS :: Let me put it this way: you can never go wrong with stickers. Any and all stickers will be used rapidly by little kids.
- BOOKS :: Books are a great gift for kids of any age. For toddlers I gravitate toward board books, which are more durable. These two, illustrated by Andy Warhol, feature fun art that’s equally enjoyable for kids and adults. SO MANY STARS // A IS FOR ANDY
- PUZZLES :: Little kids like puzzles and as you might imagine, they are good for their developing minds. Chunky wood puzzles are best for the younger kids. I love this one in particular because the letters can stand up straight to spell words out.
- MAGNETIC BLOCKS :: Tegu magnetic blocks are pretty darn awesome. The wood blocks are a more eco-friendly alternative to plastic blocks and they actually stick together thanks to the magnetic energy.
- STEP STOOLS :: I’m planning on getting a few of these two-step stools for my son this Christmas. At two and half years old, he prefers to do things by himself but isn’t big enough to reach the sink to wash his hands or get up on a dining chair without a struggle. This stool is made of solid wood and it is available both finished and unfinished if you want to customize it.

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