Well friends, I am thrilled to announce that we will be welcoming a sweet baby girl into our family in a mere 5 months. I have to admit, a little part of me was worried that I would never get to raise a daughter, which I’m sure I would be fine with later on, but I have so much feminine wisdom to pass on, it would be a shame to let it go to waste.
Another part of me worries that maybe (just maybe!) the ultrasound technician made a mistake, and I will find out upon delivery that our baby is in fact a boy. Hey, I might be a bit paranoid, but this has been known to happen!
I suppose I will just have to do what I always do and push past the what-ifs, accept that everything is fine and good, and start collecting flower crowns and eyelet dresses. Let the sparkles begin!
I will leave you with my rhyme for Baby Girl Masters.
I’d be lying if I would say
I didn’t dream about this day
Painted nails and glitter hearts
Early this June our journey will start
A lovely side-kick to be sure
I cannot wait to meet her <3