I’ve always had trouble falling asleep. As a child, I would get into these over-active thought cycles of knowing that I was supposed to be asleep but couldn’t, which would worry me enough to keep me up even longer.
As a young adult, I discovered that there were natural supplements that I could take to help calm my mind before bed. Chamomile tea, Hyland’s Calms Forte, valerian, melatonin…you name it, I tried it. And they all worked!
But, when I found out I was pregnant again, I immediately stopped taking all of those amazing sleep inducers and took to the internet to research if there were any safe sleep aids to take while pregnant. One supplement that kept coming up was magnesium, a mineral that reportedly calmed the nerves and helped with various other conditions.
After I cleared it with my doctor, I began taking a magnesium supplement that was activated by mixing with water called Natural Calm. Not only is it tasty (I chose the lemon flavor), but it truly did help me to calm my mind and rest better throughout the night. I’ve been taking Natural Calm frequently since my second trimester, and during that time I realized that there were several other common pregnancy symptoms I believe it has helped me avoid.

CONSTIPATION :: One of the more common pregnancy symptoms I hear women complaining about is constipation. Well friends, depending on the amount taken, magnesium can have a laxative effect. In fact, the guideline for how much magnesium to take is to slowly work your way up to the recommended daily amount until you experience loose stools. Then taper it back just a bit. I definitely noticed being more regular than ever before while using magnesium.
MUSCLE CRAMPS :: I have suffered from seriously painful leg and foot cramps, that almost always happen at night, for many years. When I was younger I thought it was because of all of the intensive sports I was active in. When I was in my twenties I thought it was because of all of the heels that I wore. When I was pregnant with my first child, I thought it was due to my pregnancy. My only solution back then was to get up and flex the ball of my foot against the wall. It happened several times a night during my first pregnancy and brought me to tears many times. Since taking magnesium supplements though, I have not experienced a single foot cramp!
SWELLING :: While it is a bit too early to say for certain, since I am only 28 weeks along, I really think that taking magnesium has helped to prevent the massive ankle swelling I experienced during my first pregnancy. Since I plan on continuing to take magnesium, I will report back at the end to let you know if I made it through my second pregnancy without any swelling.
NAUSEA :: Magnesium can treat nausea, one of the most common sicknesses in pregnancy. It does so by balancing cortisol levels which, in excess, can spike and crash your blood sugar causing nausea and fatigue. So far I haven’t experienced any nausea at all during this pregnancy. Is it the magnesium? I can’t rule it out!
HEADACHES :: Magnesium is highly recommended for those who suffer from migraine headaches during pregnancy. It helps in relaxing the constricted blood vessels in the brain, preventing the lactic acid buildup, which can cause tension and migraine pain. I’m happy to report that I have not experienced a single headache during my pregnancy and suspect this might be due to the good levels of magnesium now in my diet.
TROUBLE SLEEPING :: Circling back to my original issue, taking magnesium before bed has helped to calm my over active brain and really does help me sleep more soundly than when I don’t take it.
OTHER BENEFITS :: According to my research, there are many more benefits to taking magnesium during pregnancy including improved fetal circulation, a beneficial effect on fetal growth, and because it has a positive effect on muscles, it can help to prevent premature contractions by relaxing the muscles of the womb. Overall, scientists have found that women taking magnesium supplements had a lesser chance of having low birth weight and premature babies and their babies had better Apgar scores.

There are a variety of forms of magnesium out there including oral supplements and topical treatments. Even epsom salts are a form of magnesium that is absorbed into the skin. So far, I have only taken two forms: a powdered magnesium citrate called Natural Calm, that is activated when added to water. You can drink it warm or cold and it comes in a variety of flavors (sweetened with stevia) or an unflavored, unsweetened option. This is my favorite way to take magnesium. Just make sure to start with a small dose (1/2 teaspoon of the recommended 2 teaspoons) and work your way up.
Another supplement I have is a liquid form called Trace Minerals Liquid Ionic Magnesium which you can take by the dropper full. Either take it straight or add it to a beverage, which I recommend due to its intense taste.

As with any medicinal substance, please check with your doctor before taking magnesium, especially while pregnant. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice! I am just sharing what worked for me, during my pregnancy.
When taking magnesium while pregnant, I prefer to take about half of the dose the packaging suggests. The recommended daily intake of magnesium for pregnant women age 31 and over is 360 mg and 350 mg for pregnant women 30 and under. Make sure to check the magnesium content in your prenatal and factor that in as well.
Overall I find magnesium to be an amazing and effective supplement to take during pregnancy. Like calcium, which it works in conjunction with, it is an essential mineral found in food sources but it is often recommended to take an additional supplement as it can be hard to meet your daily requirements through our modern diets. Magnesium is safe to take while pregnant, although it is important to discuss any vitamin you are taking with your doctor first. I have had no issues or complications thus far while taking magnesium and have only experienced the positive effects of this miracle mineral.

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