The one thing I really don’t like about being pregnant is the long (and getting longer) list of all of the things you can’t do. And more specifically, all of the things you can’t consume. My husband often jokes about it with me, because he thrives under restrictions and I swear he finds pleasure in cutting things out of his life! Not me.
I was quite happy with my habits, thank you! So when I had to give up wine and limit my coffee intake I knew I would need something to help soothe my frazzled nerves. Teas are perfect for soothing but a quick google search on whether a particular tea is “pregnancy safe” has the exact opposite effect, making me even more nervous with all of the fear mongering out there.
So, in order to help out my fellow overly-cautious pregnant ladies, I’ve put together a list of six teas which are pretty much universally agreed upon to be fine to drink in moderation in pregnancy, and cleared by my doctor. However, as always, it is best to consult with your own doctor or midwife about any of the teas you are interested in drinking.

Peppermint tea is great for soothing your stomach and relieving nausea. Plus it’s a refreshing alternative to mint chocolate chip ice cream (in case you’ve had cravings).
Ginger root tea, like peppermint, soothes the stomach, relieves nausea, and aids in digestion. It also gives a warming feeling throughout the body, which can be quite comforting.
Lemon Balm has a calming effect and is reported to help to reduce stress, ease anxiety, aid in digestion and relieve insomnia.
Look for a single blend of just Chamomile, not the Sleepytime-type blends. This was the tea I wanted to know about most, since I have always used chamomile tea to help me sleep. It is also high in calcium and magnesium, and can help with joint inflammation. This was okayed by my obstetrician, but I still like to limit to occasional use.
Rooibos is a very gentle red tea that is even safe enough for children to consume. It is said to be helpful in treating indigestion and insomnia among other ailments.
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea has been celebrated for its many benefits in pregnancy and beyond. It helps tone the uterus, increase milk production, decrease nausea, and ease labor pains. To be on the safe side, it is recommended to consume Red Raspberry Leaf Tea only in the second and third trimesters.

With all of these teas, it is wise to drink in moderation (think 1 to 2 cups a day) and make sure to double check the ingredient list to ensure the only ingredient is Ginger or Peppermint or Chamomile, etc. because often times, teas are a blend of several herbs and flavorings.
For more information on the safety of teas during pregnancy, I found the American Pregnancy Association guide to be helpful, among several other sources including my OB.

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