Weleda Salt Toothpaste

by Katelyn Masters

best natural weleda salt toothpaste smooth teeth no fluoride

Have you ever thought that your teeth still feel a little fuzzy, even after you’ve just finished brushing your teeth? Maybe it’s just me and something peculiar about my teeth, but I tend to think that others might feel this way too. I like my teeth to always feel smooth and clean like right after I come from the dentist, but for some strange reason I started to notice that I could never really get the backsides of my front teeth to feel smooth.

I tried several toothbrushes of varying degrees of bristle strength. I switched from natural toothpastes back to classic fluoride Crest and Colgate. I even tried that new black charcoal toothpaste, which didn’t make my teeth any whiter and only managed to make my sink look perpetually dirty.

I used washcloths to scrub the back of my teeth and that helped temporarily but nothing was working long-term. I think part of it might be the curvy shape of my front teeth, but I’m no dental expert.

best natural weleda salt toothpaste smooth teeth no fluoride

Finally, I stumbled upon Weleda Salt Toothpaste and after reading some glowing reviews of it on Amazon I decided to give it a shot. Low and behold, this unusual toothpaste was the one paste that managed to give me that smooth, polished feeling.

I was already familiar with the German-based Weleda brand, as I’ve been using their cult-favorite skin cream, Skinfood, for over a decade, so I knew they could be counted on to pump out a good formulation. They did not disappoint. The flavor is not really minty at all, instead tasting like, well, salt. Not painfully salty like those pumpkin seeds in the red bag, but mildly salty and mostly like baking soda. If you’ve ever used Arm & Hammer toothpaste, it tastes a little like that.

best natural weleda salt toothpaste smooth teeth no fluoride

The texture is slightly gritty, which is what I attribute to breaking down that fuzzy feeling on my teeth to give me a smooth surface. Interestingly, when I use this toothpaste my mouth feels refreshed, more so than I ever remember with ordinary toothpaste.

The price point is slightly more expensive that ordinary toothpaste but nothing like the swanky pastes I’ve seen for upwards of $15 a tube. I found mine for just over $8 on Amazon and I’m happy to pay it! I typically use this twice a day but sometimes I’ll alternate with our Burt’s Bees Toothpaste. If you’d like to get some fluoride on your teeth, try alternating the Weleda Salt Toothpaste with classic fluoride toothpaste, each once a day.

best natural weleda salt toothpaste smooth teeth no fluoride


Weleda: Natural Salt Toothpaste, 2.5 oz • $8.78
The Humble Co. Adult Purple Soft Toothbrush • $4.99
Weleda Skin Food Skin Cream – 2.5 fl oz • Weleda • $10.29
Bamboo Vegan Toothbrush [Set 4] – All Natural Wooden Toothbrushes – Organic, Eco-Friendly and Biodegradable with BPA Free Bristles – Helps Save the Planet and Kids in Need [White Adult] • $15.96
Weleda Skin Food, 2.5 Ounce • $9.09

This post contains affiliate links to items that I love.  If you are interested in trying these products too, and you click on the links I have provided to make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no expense to you. 


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